Inspiration Island is the home of Whole Brain Health, and the nonprofit Ageless Mind Project. Our motto is: An Adventurous Mind is an Ageless Mind!
The whole island is a giant brain whose connected neural networks will spark your mind and lift your spirit. We want you to have fun here as you practice painless brain fitness.
If you haven’t been into Second Life before, first go to Getting Onto Second Life.
We would like to suggest several ways that you can explore what we have to offer here:
- Follow the paths that cover the island and see what you discover through serendipity.
- Rez a hobby horse or bike at our landing point, or a rowboat at one of the docks.
- Use our Navigation HUD. To get one, click the button “Get a Navigation HUD” on the WBH welcome sign, then wear it. It will link you to a YouTube video which explains its many features.
- Use our Globe Teleporters–there are 31 of them on the Island.
- Use our FranLift elevator system (which can be quite a thrilling ride!)
Regardless of which technique(s) you choose for exploring, please take our Whole Brain Health Challenge. Click the “Take the WBH Challenge!” button on the WBH welcome sign to get an “Instructions” notecard for Level One. When you have filled it out, drop the notecard in any Dropbox located around the sim (see picture at right). By completing this, you can earn Lindens and a Beginners Scout Badge.